Lufthansa considers moving to AIFA due to saturation at AICM

MEXICO CITY - The German airline Lufthansa Group informed that due to the saturation of the Mexico City International Airport (AICM) they are exploring opportunities for new passenger flights to the Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA).
In a conference, the company's general director for Mexico and Central America, Alejandro Arias, explained that at the moment there are no concrete plans to start operations at the AIFA, however, an analysis is being carried out to analyze the possibility of arriving at this air terminal in the future.
The AICM "has its capacity limitations, they reduced the slots per hour from 61 to 52. This means that we will not be able to continue growing beyond what we obtained before the pandemic, that is why we are exploring options at the Felipe Angeles International Airport", emphasized the executive.
He mentioned that they currently have 10 weekly flights from the AICM to Frankfurt and three to Munich.
Lufthansa Group's General Director for Mexico and Central America, Alejandro Arias, explained that they still need to recover the frequencies they had before the coronavirus pandemic, so that will be the first objective they will seek to achieve.
In this sense, he indicated that they have yet to recover a couple of frequencies to both German cities.
Regarding cargo operations at AIFA, Arias recalled that the first flight will take place tomorrow, after their migration from the AICM.
The executive commented that everything is ready to begin this activity at the new airport, since there is all the appropriate infrastructure for it.