Mercedes-Benz Vehicle Preparation Center inaugurated in Tlaxcala

TLAXCALA - The Mercedes-Benz plant and vehicle preparation center in Tlaxcala was inaugurated in the municipality of Cuapiaxtla.
This center is located in the east of the state and has a storage capacity of 1,667 vehicles.
The investment for this company in Tlaxcala was of US$5.7 million and will provide direct employment for 128 people.
The inaugural ribbon cutting ceremony was carried out by the governor of Tlaxcala, Lorena Cuéllar Cisneros and the CEO of Mercedes-Benz Mexico, Frank Steinacher, as well as the plant's executives.
In his message, the CEO of Mercedes-Benz Mexico, Frank Steinacher, said that this firm was the first luxury car brand in the country 30 years ago, at that time they only sold 500 vehicles in Mexico and currently have a large distribution.
Starting in 2020 with the arrival of electric cars, Mercedes-Benz began manufacturing and distributing them and currently has eight models available in the market, positioning the company with the star as the best.