Mexicali Continues Southbound Border COVID Checkpoints

MEXICALI – Mexicali Police Chief Alejandro Lora Torres said southbound COVID-19 checkpoints will continue for drivers entering Mexicali.
Residents in Calexico and Mexicali have complained the COVID checks slow traffic and business in the border region, but officials say they are necessary to control the spread of the pandemic.
Police have been stopping motorists on their way into Mexicali, checking that the purpose of the trip is essential, and whether anyone in the vehicle has any coronavirus symptoms.
The emergency action was started in June as a precautionary measure after a spike in coronavirus cases. Mexicali has the most coronavirus cases in the state followed by Tijuana.
Since the pandemic began in March, there have been 5,444 cases in Mexicali and 909 deaths.
Some 600 vehicles were turned back to the U.S. over the Fourth of July weekend for not having an essential reason to visit Mexicali, the mayor said. Fines of up to $150 were issued to a total of 54 people for not wearing face masks. The Mexicali official said police confiscated 944 cans of beer from 67 vehicles.
The mayor of Mexicali said the strict measures and southbound border checks will continue until the border city goes from the red alert level to yellow.
Source: Border Now August 2020 edition