Mexican airports move more than one million tons of cargo

MEXICO – During last year, 1,149,872.5 tons of goods were moved through the country's different airports, which meant an increase of 1.2% with respect to 2021, when the figure reached 1,136,661 tons, informed the Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC).
According to figures released by the decentralized agency of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT), the difference between 2021 and 2022 was of 13,211.5 tons of goods more last year.
Mexico City International Airport (AICM) was where the largest number of products were moved in 2022, with a total of 570,808.1, which meant an increase of 0.5% compared to 2021, when the goods mobilized amounted to 567,779.4 tons.
Guadalajara airport reported a decrease of 10.4% with respect to 2021, because in said year 197,218.7 tons were mobilized against 176,778.8 tons operated in 2022.
Queretaro International Airport went from 64,888.0 tons mobilized in 2021 to 72,847.3 tons in 2022, which implied an increase of 12.3%.
Monterrey International Airport ranked fourth in cargo mobilization, going from 67,626.7 tons in 2021 to 77,764.1 tons in 2022, an increase of 15%.
In fifth place, and with the greatest decrease in cargo operation, was Toluca International Airport, going from 54,942.8 tons in 2021 to 43,204.5 tons in 2022, which implied a decrease of 21.4%.
According to Agency data, in terms of domestic cargo, the AICM and Guadalajara International Airport reported domestic cargo decreases of -8.7% and -18.3%, respectively.