Mexican avocado scores touchdown in the Super Bowl

JALISCO - The Mexican avocado plays a leading role on the tables of the Super Bowl, the biggest sporting event in the United States and when the highest consumption of this fruit traditionally takes place in that country.
For this Sunday, February 11, it is estimated that at least 75 thousand tons of avocado from Mexico will be consumed, which is the culmination of a long road of joint efforts for research and technological and scientific development in the field.
"Corteva Agriscience's research and development teams work to ensure that avocados exported to the United States are treated with crop protection products that have a low environmental impact and meet the requirements for consumption," says Steffani Lozano, category leader of Insecticides, Fungicides and Nematicides at Corteva Agriscience.
She added that thanks to this collaboration in which the company contributes knowledge for agricultural innovation and the development of increasingly greener products for crop care, the processing of this fruit has been made one of the cleanest.
In this way, in the table of plays behind this touchdown of the Mexican avocado, there are five key factors that position it in the markets of the United States and the rest of the world, such as: Good sustainability practices, scientific and technological innovation, protocols and standards for production and export, product traceability and care of the value chain.
Achieving these innovations has been possible thanks to the application of agricultural science, research and development, as well as field trials to build strong and durable systems. Thus, by combining the experience and knowledge of farmers with the knowledge of agronomists, scientists and industry partners, such as Corteva, the Mexican avocado has a leading position in the industry.
According to SADER, the Mexican avocado industry, like Corteva, occupies a leading position with an estimated production of 1,900,000 tons per year and a growth perspective of 3,600,000 tons by 2030, which guarantees the continuity of this success story of the Mexican countryside.
"Undoubtedly, technological innovation has been a key factor in the global positioning of the Mexican avocado. This drives us to continue our commitment to provide science-based solutions and address the most pressing global environmental, economic and social challenges to achieve an agricultural ecosystem where farmers, society and business can thrive," concludes Lozano.
Avocado exports to the United States reached record levels in 2023 with 1,145,000 metric tons. Although the main avocado producer in Mexico is Michoacán, for the 2023 Super Bowl, Jalisco producers sold 10,000 tons.
It is estimated that on the day of the NFL final, Mexican avocado exports will total 110,000 metric tons, equivalent to US$259 million.