Mexican economy is extremely sensitive to global problems

MEXICO - The Secretary of Finance, Rogelio Ramírez de la O, affirmed that the Mexican economy is "extremely sensitive" to global problems such as geopolitical tensions due to the conflict in the Middle East.
During an Atlantic Council forum in Washington on the occasion of the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Ramírez de la O was questioned about the economic disruptions that may be caused by Iran's recent attack against Israel.
The secretary explained that the focus of Andrés Manuel López Obrador's government is to build "an economy for the Mexican people", but at the same time it has one of the most open economies in Latin America, given that exports account for nearly 35% of GDP.
"This makes us extremely sensitive, it affects our people and how we can solve global challenges," he said.
The secretary assured that problems the world is facing are "unexpected and unprecedented" and that makes "Mexico's political response of utmost importance."
"We want to emphasize that we are very receptive to everything that happens in the world market and to everything that happens with global risk," Ramírez de la O said.