Mexican laboratory creates artificial meat

Mexican laboratory creates artificial meat

MEXICO - Mexican laboratory is using cutting-edge technology, this laboratory located in Mexico has developed a method that produces beef artificially, without the need to breed or kill animals.

In Mexico, the startup "Forma Foods" stands out in this field, having been manufacturing in vitro meat in its laboratory for years.

This company, which emerged from the School of Engineering and Sciences of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, is positioned as a more sustainable and ethical option to extensive livestock farming.

In addition to its environmental and ethical benefits, lab-raised meat offers nutritional advantages. Studies cited in the article highlight that this type of meat contains less saturated fat and cholesterol than conventional meat.

Moreover, it can be modified to reduce fat content or improve its nutritional profile, making it a healthy option for diet-conscious consumers.

Cultured beef" or "lab meat" is produced from a biopsy of cattle to isolate stem cells, which are transferred to bioreactors, where the biotechnological process is carried out to differentiate the cells and convert them into muscle tissue.

These cells are cultured and multiply in a controlled environment until they become muscle tissue, creating a product that resembles traditional beef, but without the environmental or ethical impacts associated with animal husbandry.

Although lab-grown meat is still in the development stages and faces the challenge of large-scale commercialization, a promising future for this alternative is on the horizon. Several countries, including Mexico, are investing in the research and development of this technology, indicating a growing interest in this new way of producing meat.
