Mexico and U.S. agree to comply with labour rights at Draxton plant

GUANAJUATO - The governments of Mexico and the United States agreed on a reparation plan in relation to the report of violations of the labor rights of workers at the Draxton automotive plant located in Irapuato, Guanajuato.
Said plan addresses the issues raised in the request for review under the Rapid Response Labor Mechanism of the Treaty between the United States, Mexico and Canada (USMCA).
According to the secretariats of Economy and Labor, during the review, Draxton fully cooperated with the Mexican and U.S. authorities, in addition to reiterating its respect for labor and union rights, including that referring to freedom of association and collective bargaining of his collaborators.
“The investigation determined the existence of conduct that may constitute violations of Mexican labor law and a denial of collective rights by the company, due to the unjustified dismissal of a union delegate, acts of employer interference in union activities and the failure to provide workers with a printed copy of the Comprehensive Review Agreement of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and the 2023 Salary Review Agreement,” the agencies said in a statement.
They detailed that the reparation plan includes various actions and commitments by Draxton México, including: Reinstatement and compensation of the union delegate in accordance with Mexican law, Issuance of a letter of neutrality, guidelines and zero tolerance to ensure respect for the collective rights of workers, among others.
“The Government of Mexico endorses its commitment to comply with the rules established by the labor reform of May 1, 2019, as well as the labor provisions contained in the TMEC in favor of Mexican workers and free trade in the North American region,” they noted.