Mexico has investment announcements for US$48 billion

MEXICO - The Ministry of Economy detected that the private sector has made, during the current year, 117 investment announcements by companies totaling more than US$48 billion.
"Of that amount, based on public information, around US$30 billion will be invested in the current year and the rest over the next three years," said the Ministry of Economy in a tweet.
The agency added that this demonstrates Mexico's competitive advantages: stability in its public finances and strength in its currency; social and political stability; a robust air, rail, maritime and land infrastructure that connects us with the entire world.
By country of origin, investments came from the United States ( US$30 billion), China (US$3.6 billion), Argentina (US$3.6 billion), Germany (US$2.4 billion), Taiwan (US$2 billion), Canada (US$875 million) and Belgium (US$800 million).
Finally, by sector, investments are concentrated in manufacturing ( US$29 billion), followed by transportation (US$15 billion), commerce (US$1.9 billion) and mining (US$433 million).
The Ministry of Economy stated that none of these announcements are part of the official data published regarding Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).