Mexico has transported more than 41 million passengers in 2022

MEXICO – From January to May 2022, 21 million 469 thousand passengers were transported on domestic flights, this is 39.4% more than in the same period of 2021; and also surpassing with 1.8% the 21 million 92 thousand passengers transported in January-May 2019.
Regarding international flights, in the same time periods, 20 million 101 thousand passengers were transported, which is 82% higher than 2021; and being 5% away from reaching the 21 million 164 thousand passengers transported in 2019.
The Mexican airlines with the highest activity were Volaris and Viva Aerobus, which together transported 15 million 610 thousand passengers; exceeding with 48.9% what was recorded between January-May 2021 and with 47.7% the passengers of said period in 2019.
The top five airlines with the highest passenger arrivals on domestic flights during January-May 2022 were Volaris, Viva Aerobus, Aeroméxico, Aeroméxico Connect and Aeromar, which together had a market share of 98.4%.
Aeromexico and Volaris reported 3 million 821 thousand passengers, an increase of 77.7% compared to the first five months of 2021; being 4.3% away from reaching January-May 2019 passengers, when they carried 3 million 993 thousand passengers.
The U.S. airlines from January to May 2022 had the highest passenger flow were American Airlines and United Airlines, which transported 5 million 18 thousand passengers, exceeding with 48.4% the passengers of 2021 and with 28.0% the passengers of that same period of 2019.