Mexico launches strategic plan against climate change for agroindustry

MEXICO – Mexico, through the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader), informed that it launched the Strategic Climate Change Plan for the Agrifood Sector (PLECCA), with the aim of achieving a productive, fair, diverse, inclusive, sustainable, low greenhouse gas emission and resilient agrifood system to the effects of climate change.
Víctor Villalobos Arámbula, head of Sader, stated that the goal is to address the vulnerability of production systems to the adverse effects of climate change, through actions that promote the adaptation of the agriculture, livestock, aquaculture and fisheries subsectors and increase productivity in a sustainable manner.
He also stated that the function of PLECCA is to promote the understanding and adoption of a systemic, joint and long-term vision in each and every one of the departments and units that make up the Secretariat and to follow up on commitments, including the 8.0 percent reduction of emissions in the sector by 2030.
Villalobos Arámbula said that other objectives include reducing the vulnerability of producers by promoting resilient production systems, making sustainable use of soil, water and biodiversity resources, and disseminating relevant information for timely decision-making.
He stressed that innovation will be key to achieving resilient production systems that simultaneously reduce emissions, so it is essential to include in the planning and implementation of sustainable production practices, the needs and interests of all stakeholders in the production chains, particularly producers.