Mexico moves forward in aerospace development, but there is still a long way to go

MEXICO - Mexico has taken important steps towards the development of its aerospace industry in recent years and has gradually built up its own infrastructure, but there is still a long way to go.
Astronaut Katya Echazarreta assures that with the little the country has, some achievements have been consolidated, but legislation is still needed for Mexico to have its own aerospace launches.
During the Forbes Economy and Business Forum, Echazarreta highlighted the fact that this year the goal of having a space reform was achieved, only the vote in the Senate is needed for its approval.
"With this one we will achieve the legislative infrastructure to give priority to space activities," he said.
He emphasized that the drive of private companies is being and will continue to be fundamental for the growth of the industry, since the investments needed are significant.
Benjamín Nájar Lomelí, chairman of the board of Thrusters Unlimites, is confident that the capital to detonate this aerospace industry will arrive, since there are great intentions to invest on the part of Europeans, Canadians and Latin Americans.
The intention is to settle in Mexico for the manufacture of important "very expensive" and high-tech goods, not only because of a "cheap" labor force, but also because it is very efficient.
"Significant investments are expected in this, through the Mexican Federation of Aerospace Industry (Femia) we have interest from many Mexican companies that are already manufacturing in aeronautics to invest in space along with companies that already have the technology to sell it in Mexico and the world," he said.
For his part, Salvador Landeros, general director of the Mexican Space Agency, said that the challenge is to develop Mexican technology, but cooperating with other countries and not starting from scratch.
He emphasized that creating alliances for financing is important to develop joint projects and only in this way, Mexico will reach those space missions, such as going to the Moon and Mars.