Mexico participates in UN forums on space matters

MEXICO - The Ministry of Infrastructure, Communications and Transport (SICT), through the Mexican Space Agency (AEM), in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), represented Mexico in the work of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) of the United Nations (UN).
"Thanks to the great support of the SICT to the space area, it is a milestone that Mexico today enjoys broad support and respect in this high-level forum, in which diplomacy and knowledge of space and satellite issues, are a great asset for the future of the country in this current digital era," said Salvador Landeros Ayala, director general of the AEM.
He stressed that on this occasion, on the occasion of the 67th session of COPUOS, Mexico's vocation of solidarity and peace was reaffirmed before the international space community, by reiterating its firm position that the use, exploration and exploitation of outer space, the Moon and other celestial bodies should be for peaceful purposes.
Rosa Ma. Ramírez de Arellano y Haro, General Coordinator of International Affairs and Security in Space Matters of the AEM, indicated that Mexico also pronounced itself on the long-term sustainability of space activities and the benefits of space technology in the high-level forums of the "Subcommittee on Scientific and Technical Matters" and the "Subcommittee on Legal Matters" of COPUOS.
Mexico also participated in the Plenary Session of the COPUOS Committee itself, the highest decision-making body, where member countries determine the work of the organization on important issues such as the safety of operations in orbit, space debris, asteroids, space environment, safe use of nuclear energy in outer space, and climate change.
It is also important for Mexico to assert its position in the debates, to prevent third countries from positioning their opinions to the detriment of national interests, and to speak out when something is not convenient.
COPUOS was created in 1959 by the United Nations General Assembly. It is based in Vienna and deals with international cooperation in the use of outer space, the dissemination of information, the encouragement of research, the creation of technical cooperation programs, and the development of international space law.