Mexico remains in 55th position in global competitiveness

MEXICO – Mexico remained in 55th position in the World Competitiveness Ranking 2022, prepared by the Swiss-based Institute for Management Development (IMD).
With this, it remained in the lowest position the country has had since 1997, when it was included in this ranking.
Competitiveness as defined by the IMD is associated with the ability to compete in domestic markets or to face international competition.
In economic performance, Mexico moved up from 49th to 27th place; in government efficiency it dropped from 59th to 60th place; in business efficiency it remained at 47th place; and in infrastructure it retained its 58th place.
The ranking provides a broad coverage of 63 economies, chosen based on the availability of comparable international statistics and our collaboration with local partner institutes, which contribute to the collection of survey data and ensure that all data is as reliable, accurate and up-to-date as possible.
The ranking is based on 333 competitiveness criteria selected as a result of research using economic literature, international, national and regional sources and feedback from the business community, government agencies and academics.
Source: El Economista