Mexico to begin exporting gas to Europe from Altamira in February

MEXICO – President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that Mexico will begin exporting natural gas to Europe in mid-February 2024.
The president said the export will be made from the port of Altamira, Tamaulipas, through the liquefaction plant built by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) in association with the U.S. company New Fortress Energy.
“The platforms are already on the coast, by the middle of next month they will start exporting gas”, said López Obrador.
The construction of the liquefaction plant in Altamira is part of the strategic projects of President López Obrador’s government to reactivate the economy and position Mexico as a relevant player in the world energy market.
CFE’s CEO, Manuel Bartlett Díaz, estimated that the export of gas to Europe will generate income of more than 15 billion dollars for the company.
“It will have revenues of more than 15 billion dollars and 10 percent of the profits,” said Bartlett Díaz.