Mexico will need more than 40,000 aerospace engineers by 2035: FEMIA

QUERETARO - According to data from the Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (FEMIA), by 2035, the country will require more than 40,000 aerospace engineers to meet the sector's demand.
Verónica Méndez, president of the Querétaro Aerocluster, commented that, despite this, there is talent in the country, the problem is that it is difficult to retain it, therefore, she said, it is necessary to rethink what life experience is given to these young people so that they stay in the country.
During her presentation entitled "Restructuring of supply chains," the President mentioned that the risk we run as a country, by not having this talent, is not to grow "as we could have done.
She mentioned that the task is to attract and retain this talent and, to this end, they must be inspired by the emotion of where they work, in other words, they must be made aware of the importance of the work they perform in the industry.
The directive added that in Mexico only 0.5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is invested in research and development, which is far below the 2.4% average of the member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
She pointed out that in the state of Querétaro alone, 1.5% is invested. More than 60% of aerospace companies in Querétaro have a research agreement with schools.
Méndez stated that an entrepreneurial ecosystem must be fostered in the country, since only 15% of Mexican companies have access to financing, research and development, according to data from the World Economic Forum.