Mexico will produce 3.5 million vehicles in 2021

MÉXICO – The automotive industry is experiencing a complicated year, since it is facing a global shortage of semiconductors, which will last throughout 2022 and it is expected that there will hardly be any raw material for the rest of this year.
According to Guido Vildozo, director of North American light vehicle sales at consultancy IHS Markit, automakers will maintain plant shutdowns to deal with the issue and 2019 levels may not be reached until after 2024
It is worth mentioning that semiconductors are very small parts, but of great importance in the assembly of vehicles. Each new car has between 100 or more microprocessors, which makes the industry particularly vulnerable to interruptions in the supply of these components, since they are used in electric mirrors, braking systems, tire sensors, reverse cameras and displays, among other functions.
According to the specialist, the industry is making operational changes in the manufacture of vehicles, in order to allocate electronic chips to SUVs and pickups. This will generate a reduction in inventory in the next three quarters of the year.
Se estima que México podría alcanzar una producción de 3.5 millones de vehículos para 2021; pero “volver a los niveles de 2019 (cuando manufacturaron 3.75 millones de autos) se va materializar en los próximos tres años y poder hablar de los cinco millones de unidades ensambladas (a los que se aspiraba con las nuevas inversiones de autos premium), de momento no”, advierte el directivo de la consultora IHS Markit.
Source: Milenio