MEXICONOW celebrates 22 years of excellence

MEXICONOW celebrates 22 years of excellence

It has been a long but immensely rewarding journey for MEXICONOW as we celebrate our 22nd anniversary.

This milestone has only been possible thanks to the unwavering support of our readers, sponsors, advertisers, suppliers, editorial partners and professional staff over the years, to whom we extend our deepest gratitude.

MEXICONOW was founded during the recession of 2003 and has since witnessed multiple economic recessions and recoveries, four presidential administrations, major shifts in globalization and countless industry successes.

Today, Mexico faces both challenges and opportunities as it enters a new era of global reordering. The country is navigating a trend known as nearshoring.

To expand our editorial coverage, we have launched two additional specialized publications, BORDERNOW and HORSEPOWER, both available in digital format on our website:

Our commitment to promoting foreign investment has also led us to organize 125 conferences and conventions in the United States, Canada, Europe and Mexico. We have constantly strived for excellence and attention to detail in every initiative undertaken.

Once again, our sincere thanks to all who have contributed to these 22 years of remarkable experiences. We look forward to continuing to work and evolve in the years to come.
