Mexico’s aerospace industry attracts Texas

Mexico’s aerospace industry attracts Texas

LAREDO, TX - The aerospace industry in Mexico has experienced exponential growth in recent years; in 2023 alone, it reached record export figures estimated at US$9.5 billion, which is why countries such as the US have begun to pay more attention to its development.

Mexico and the United States as trading partners have made great mutual contributions to the economies of both nations, and with the aerospace industry growing in these countries, they could consolidate even more and take space exploration to another level.

For example, in Texas, through Space X, Elon Musk's company, several advances have been made in this regard, however, if Mexico and Texas joined forces, also taking advantage of nearshoring, the aerospace industry would benefit substantially.

The various economic development corporations and universities that exist in the Rio Grande Valley, Texas, are a fundamental piece for the technological development and innovation of the aerospace sector in both Mexico and the US.

According to Judith Arrieta Mundía, consul of Mexico in Brownsville, who was a guest at a Brownsville Chamber of Commerce event titled “Bridging Borders; Beyond - The Impact of US-Mexico Relations and Space Exploration in the Rio Grande Valley,” Mexico and Texas have a lot of potential to take this industry to another level.

“You can't have those beautiful rockets we've seen without the minds of young, creative people. So, we're investing in that… So, yes, we can partner here with Texas and with the Valley because right next door in Matamoros, we have an incredible technological university. In addition to these science centers in, of course, Monterrey, Querétaro, but also in other places,” he explained.
