Mexico’s aerospace industry census to begin in 2024

MEXICO - The Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (Femia) announced that in early 2024 it will begin a census to verify how many Mexican companies are now in the sector, since in recent years there has been an upward trend.
Femia's executive director, Luis Lizcano, explained that 20 years ago the presence of national firms in this industry did not exist, but by 2019 they represented approximately 30 percent of the total.
"We have seen this growth of Mexican companies because large aircraft manufacturers are looking for them more. This is good news for everyone," the executive commented.
"In recent years there have been new projects, in addition to the increase in factories already installed. It is an important effort to increase the number of national companies," mentioned the executive director of the business organization.
Lizcano detailed that in 2019 there was a census of 370 companies in the entire aerospace industry, of which 30% were Mexican, so they expect to see an increase in this presence.
The executive specified that the aerospace industry concentrates its activity in the production and sale of aircraft parts, which are mainly marketed to aircraft manufacturers in the United States, although they are also sold in Europe.
Lizcano commented that, although the sector's presence in Mexico is being updated, the main states with the largest number of companies in this industry are Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Nuevo León and Querétaro.
The executive president of Femia recalled that in 2019, prior to the coronavirus pandemic, the aerospace industry recorded exports for US$9.6 billion.
However, in 2020, with the health crisis, this indicator plummeted by 31.8%, to approximately US$6.6 billion.