Mexico’s automotive industry expects U.S. strike to be resolved as soon as possible

MEXICO - Mexico's automotive industry is waiting for a solution to the strike declared last week by the United Auto Workers Union (UAW), who are demanding better wages and benefits from Ford, General Motors and Stellantis.
"We hope that a prompt solution will be reached for the benefit of the industry and the region," said the Mexican Association of the Automotive Industry (AMIA).
The agency pointed out that the automotive sector maintains a "strong regional integration" along the value chain, but it is difficult to estimate the impact that the U.S. industry shutdown may have on Mexican factories.
AMIA commented that this is because the estimate depends on factors such as the duration of the strike, the lines that are shut down, as well as the number of plants affected.
The organization said that it closely monitors the events and is constantly analyzing the information that may arise from the companies, the union and the U.S. government, as well as maintaining continuous communication with all its partners.
The union and the three companies have been negotiating since July the signing of a new agreement for the next four years, but the workers complain that the manufacturers are not negotiating in a good way at a time when they are recording millionaire profits.