Middle East to invest in infrastructure in Jalisco

JALISCO – Companies from the Middle East could soon arrive in Jalisco to invest their capital in the development of infrastructure in the state, as a result of the promotional tour that businessmen and authorities from Jalisco carried out in Qatar last month.
Javier Lemarroy, general director of the state's Industrial Parks Association (APIEJ), and who participated in the trade mission as the person responsible for promoting the attraction of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), said that there is interest in bringing Qatari capital to Jalisco to develop infrastructure projects, including industrial warehouses.
"I met with senior executives of Doha Bank, where we showed the benefits of investing, investment opportunities and performance to place capital in Jalisco and Doha Bank was very interested in establishing business partnerships with private banks in Mexico," he said.
He added that, for their part, representatives of Qatar Financial Center showed the businessmen of Jalisco the business opportunities that Qatar has, with the aim of promoting bilateral relations in trade and investment.
The director of APIEJ also met with executives of the Al Faisal Investment Fund to whom he presented different investment projects in industrial park infrastructure.
During this first trade mission, Jalisco was positioned in said region of the world, where important infrastructure portfolios are already being evaluated.
"This visit opens the way for a rigorous follow-up and exchange of investment proposals, and Jalisco is now positioned as a region with high development potential," he said.
Source: El Economista