Mincer HD invests US$70 million to build two plants in Hidalgo

HIDALGO - The company Mincer HD (MAT Holdings, Inc.) will set up in Mineral de la Reforma, Hidalgo with an investment of US$70 million, which will generate 350 direct jobs and 1,500 indirect jobs in the first stage.
This was announced by Carlos Henkel Escorza, head of the Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco) of Hidalgo, who welcomed the English company, which is a world leader in engineering and manufacturing of cast and machined automotive products.
The company has distribution centers, supply offices and 15 production plants in eight countries, and plans to set up 17 more.
In this sense, the transnational company will build two plants in the municipality of Mineral de la Reforma; the first focused on the casting of drums and the second on machining parts for the automotive sector.
Henkel Escorza recognized Steve Wang, CEO of Mat Holdings, for his vision and confidence to invest in Hidalgo in a project of great impact, since apart from generating jobs, they are committed to sustainability.
In response, Steve Wang expressed that this first step to establish in Hidalgo will be a beginning of growth for this company in Mexico and they will work in close cooperation with the state government.