Mining sector jobs increase in 2021

MEXICO – The Mining Chamber of Mexico (CAMIMEX), through a press release, announced that, despite the economic impact generated by the pandemic, the number of jobs generated by formal mining in the country increased favorably.
At the end of 2021, the mining sector created around 40 thousand new direct jobs, 10.4% more than the previous year.
According to the information presented by the chamber's authorities, some of the most relevant data indicate that the number of women in the mining workforce increased by 14.2%. By the end of 2021, 66 thousand 37 women workers were registered. Likewise, the number of women entering the mining labor force is 37% higher than the national average.
In 2021, the mining-metallurgical GDP represented 8.6% of the industrial GDP and 2% of the national GDP. The mining industry is characterized by its large economic contribution. In terms of fiscal contributions from ISR, Surface Rights and new rights, it totaled US$3.2 billion.
Currently, mining is one of the most productive activities at the national level. Its ISR tax contributions exceed those of the oil, agriculture and livestock, electricity and construction sectors. In difficult economic times, this sector has stood out as an essential industry and one of the pillars of the Mexican economy.