Ministry of Economy presents the strategy “Towards an industrial policy”.

MEXICO – The Ministry of Economy presented the strategy "Towards an industrial policy" to align the efforts of the different economic, public and private actors towards an economic model that generates inclusive growth through technological updating, an increase in national content and the development of human capital.
The strategy "Towards an industrial policy" is composed of four cross-cutting axes to address the needs of industry: innovation and technological-scientific trends; training of human capital for new trends; promotion of regional content; and sustainable and sustainable industries.
The actions implemented in each of the axes will have an impact on the entire industry, and mainly on five sectors designated as strategic due to their relevance for the current and future economy, their annual growth rate and their importance for the labor market.
The sectors are: agri-food; electrical-electronics; electromobility; medical and pharmaceutical services; and creative industries.
This policy was designed based on the study of the actions of leading countries in industrial innovation, as well as on the analysis of Mexico's characteristics. It provides a clear path for action with the purpose of increasing the competitiveness of the Mexican economy in the present and in the future.