Mexicana MRO to be sold in 2024

MÉXICO – The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mexicana MRO, Rafael Gutiérrez Barajas, revealed that they plan to complete the sale of the aeronautical workshop by 2024.
Roberto Kriete, president of Kingsland Holdings and shareholder of Avianca Holdings, has declared his intention to acquire the MRO since the beginning of 2020.
On the other hand, sources close to the process indicated that recently a group of shareholders represented by Alfonso Pasquel, who was Aeromexico's president and CEO for more than 10 years, are also interested.
Rafael Gutiérrez recalled that MRO is part of the Mexicana MRO 2100 Trust, which specifies that the beneficiaries of the sale will be the former employees of the Nuevo Grupo Aeronáutico.
Source: A21