MTC Helicopters Hangar at AICM closed

MEXICO CITY - The Security Subdirectorate of the Mexico City International Airport (AICM) secured the hangar of the company MTC Helicópteros, S.A. de C.V. for owing more than US$332,793, without said company complying with its contractual obligations or presenting an action plan to compensate the amount.
The AICM informed that personnel from the Legal Affairs Directorate and the Commercial and Services Directorate of the air terminal carried out an inspection visit where they verified that the personnel of the aforementioned company lacked Airport Identification Cards (TIAs), essential to remain in the place of their operations.
He also learned that at least two other companies were operating illegally, probably by means of subleasing, which was expressly prohibited in the contract.
Therefore, it secured the place and summoned the person who said he was the representative to settle the debts and inform about the permanence of subtenants, which, the AICM reiterated, is prohibited according to the contractual agreement.
"The Mandatory Circular issued by the Federal Civil Aviation Agency CO SA-17.5/16-R1 dated December 12, 2022, establishes the unavoidable obligation that any person providing services at the AICM or vehicle transiting, must have Airport Identification Card (TIA) and otherwise, must withdraw," the agency said.
Therefore, the airport added that at 2:50 p.m. the facilities were closed, under the protection of the Airport Security Sub-Directorate and with the presence of Mexican Navy personnel, for protection and surveillance of the site.