Nanosatellite to be built to monitor volcanoes in Mexico

PUEBLA – After experiencing the success of the first nanosatellite built by students and professors of the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP), a new project of this type is being prepared.
According to UPAEP's rector, Emilio Baños Ardavín, the new nanosatellite is in the construction phase, with the support of the Japanese Space Agency, whose objective will be to monitor volcanoes in Mexico.
"The idea is to generate a of a monitoring that provides more information precisely to understand the risks and also the effects of all emissions, we want to bring to another level of understanding the risk factors and repercussions,” stressed Baños Ardavín.
At the same time, another nanosatellite project is being worked on, which is in a preliminary phase in coordination with several institutions of higher education in the country, under the auspices of NASA and the Mexican Space Agency.
It is worth mentioning that for the last 10 years the aerospace industry has had a great growth in the country.