Nearshoring benefits Jalisco suppliers: ABSA Group

Nearshoring benefits Jalisco suppliers: ABSA Group

JALISCO - As a result of the relocation of companies (nearshoring), companies from Jalisco that provide solutions are projecting double-digit growth.

This is the case of Grupo ABSA, whose CEO, Luis Carlos Garza, told El Economista that the world-class companies that are coming to Mexico need automation, infrastructure, networks and telecommunications, among other solutions, which is why this Jalisco-based company expects to double its turnover in the next three years.

“Many of these companies that are relocating are world-class companies, so there is a golden opportunity for Mexico to serve all these companies that are coming to Mexico,” he said.

After three decades dedicated to providing solutions to five vertical sectors: the food and beverage industry, both sugar and alcohol, the automotive industry, mining, pharmaceutical and the maquiladora sector, ABSA's CEO foresees that its greatest growth will be in the states of Jalisco, Sonora and Chihuahua.

“We have five major divisions: automation, electrical, industry 4.0, IoT (Internet of Things) development and Financial Services," Garza said.

According to Luis Carlos Garza, ABSA Financial Services, its newest service area, is a financial tool to help clients finance their projects by connecting investment funds, banks, leasing companies, etc., with infrastructure projects.

“We are expecting double-digit growth, and our expectation is to double our turnover in three years. The areas in which we expect to grow most strongly are automation, networks and telecommunications,” said the company's CEO.

Given that the firms that are relocating to Mexico are world-class companies, Garza said, the companies that come through nearshoring are going to pressure us to be better.
