Nearshoring boosts the industrial sector in Mexico

MEXICO – The real estate company Fibra Uno Mexico, maintains a level of operation above 99% by transnational companies, being Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez and Reynosa, the sites where this occupation has been most notorious.
This unprecedented occupation is because American or global companies that had gone to China, are returning to Mexico to improve their production to serve their customers from a privileged geographical position after the pandemic of COVID-19, this action is known as Nearshoring and is intended to catapult Mexico in the international market.
But the increase in demand, the low supply and the configuration of the supply chain have produced the rise in inflation and an effective way to curb it is the increase in rates. However, persistent low supply would cause prices to continue to increase.
Fibra Uno reported that, thanks to this demand, added to the progress of its real estate developments and occupancy gains that would be close to 92%, the trust expects a growth of 11% or 12% by the end of the year.
Fibra Uno also detailed that it has delivered to its investors a 16.5% compound annual return, in an environment of 4% average inflation per year; a real return of 12.5%, an amount that in periods of low inflation.
“Finally, Fibra Uno explained that the real estate sector represents a good long-term investment because it is a constant, consistent and predictable business, where investments and customer returns are secure,” said Fibra Uno.