Necessary to articulate actors and policies to promote the space industry in Mexico

MEXICO - Although Mexico has made enormous efforts to boost the aerospace industry, with launches of missions such as Colmena, or the Aztech-Sat nanosatellite, public policies and a real boost are still needed to be able to speak of a consolidation of the industry, stated Fermín Romero Vázquez, president of the Fundación Acercándote al Universo (FAU), Director and Host of Café Espacial.
“In addition to a constitutional reform, a National Space Development Law is needed, which in addition to articulating all these actors in the country, generates a serious program and gives us the roadmap to know where we are going,” said the specialist invited to the segment of Sinergia Empresarial.
It is worth mentioning that the development of space activity is imminent worldwide, so Mexico needs to position itself as an actor in this growth; therefore, in this sense, a constitutional reform is currently in process in Congress, which reforms articles 28 and 73 so that space activity is considered a priority and, as a Space Law, modifies the activities related to outer space.
This reform is necessary to encourage and promote the development, exploration, exploitation and use of space activities and resources, as well as celestial bodies, in a sustainable manner.
“All this in Mexico has to be articulated and the constitutional reform at the present moment, is very precise because we are in a moment of change,” Romero emphasized.
During his talk, the President of the FAU pointed out that currently there is the Mexican Space Agency (AEM), as well as two research centers: one in Atlacomulco, State of Mexico and another in Zacatecas; in addition to universities that have their own research centers: UNAM, IPN, UPAEP, INAOE (National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics), the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada, Baja California (CICESE).
Together these agencies seek to meet the demand for both services and applications both in the country and abroad and both for companies and for different governments that require various services such as satellite imagery, geolocation and research, etc.; however, a synergy is urgently needed.
“Unfortunately, although we have an agency, there is a disarticulation of the actors in Mexico. On the governmental side we have several factors that need to be articulated with the Academy, with the few companies that are being promoted,” he said.
Currently there are around 5 Mexican companies that are investing in the space sector, basically in what is known as earth observation, that is to say, they have their own satellites or rent services that are in orbit and obtain images that benefit many other industries.