New Patenting Center opens in Juarez

JUAREZ, CHIH - In order to benefit inventors, companies and developers, a Patent Center (CEPAT) was inaugurated in Ciudad Juarez.
The Government of Chihuahua informed that this space is located inside the Artificial Intelligence Center (IA Center), which seeks to strengthen the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in the region.
CEPAT will provide access to the registration of inventions and the protection of intellectual and industrial property rights of creators.
In addition, CEPAT will provide ongoing guidance and advice, which will facilitate the registration of innovations through the use of legal figures such as patents, utility models, and industrial designs.
Ongoing training will also be offered to staff on industrial property issues and specialized mentoring networks will be created to strengthen the patentability of ideas.
Chihuahua's Undersecretary for Innovation, Competitiveness and Business Development, Jesús García López, together with representatives of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), highlighted the importance of intellectual protection as a key driver for the region's growth and competitive positioning.
In order to disseminate this program, socialization workshops will be held in different municipalities of the state, starting on November 22 in Parral.
They will continue on November 25 in Ciudad Juárez and on December 2 in Chihuahua.