New strategies to boost maritime industry are coming

New strategies to boost maritime industry are coming

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ENSENADA – Modifying cabotage tariffs is one of the strategies to reactivate the maritime industry, assured the general coordinator of Ports and Merchant Marine, Héctor López Gutiérrez.

In the framework of the commemoration of the XXV anniversary of the Integral Port Administration (API) of Ensenada, López Gutiérrez emphasized that various mechanisms are evaluated to boost the maritime and naval activities of the country, such as the financing of Nacional Financiera, of the National Bank of Works and Public Services (BANOBRAS) and the participation of the private initiative.

In terms of cabotage, it is intended to have an integral transportation system in order to turn   land transporters into a complement of maritime transporters and thus unite both, in order to consolidate a complementary system and reduce distribution costs.

López Gutierrez added that it’s been considered to start the Manzanillo-Lázaro Cárdenas-Guaymas route, in the Pacific Ocean, with possibilities to move said service to countries of Central America.

Regarding the Gulf of Mexico, the Altamira, Tampico and Veracruz routes could be started in order to transport cargo to Puerto Progreso, where the greater part arrives through land.

Source: Industrial News
