Nissan Mexico numbers decrease

AGUASCALIENTES – The Japanese company Nissan, based in Aguascalientes, registered decreases in the indicators of sales, production and exports of light vehicles during April, according to INEGI.
In the first category, the Japanese company sold 13,549 light vehicles, a decrease of -22.1% compared to the same month of the previous year, when it sold 17,393 units.
Nissan, for a long time the leader in sales in the domestic automotive market, does not lead this indicator, since General Motors surpassed it by selling 13,766 units during the fourth month of 2022.
In a more global panorama, the automotive industry in Mexico registered a minimal fall of -0.98%, going from 84,287 units sold to 83,459.
In terms of vehicle production, Nissan showed a reduction of -12.5%, falling from 39,190 units in April 2021 to 34,307 units in April 2022.
As in the previous indicator, the automotive sector in general showed a smaller fall by decreasing -6.58% with the production of 251,547 vehicles compared to the 269,265 manufactured a year ago.
Finally, exports were the worst for the Japanese company, with a decrease of -45.6% the most pronounced of all the automotive companies located in the country, going from 25,438 units shipped abroad in April 2021 to only 13,832 in April 2022.
The Mexican automotive industry improved in this section by growing 2.86%, due to the export of 241,286 units compared to the 234,584 units shipped the previous year.
The company with the best numbers in this area was Ford Motor, which showed an increase of 86.9% by exporting 38,578 units compared to the 20,645 units registered in April 2021.
Source: Lider Empresarial