NL proposes to create Border Logistics Corridor with Texas

NUEVO LEON - With the intention of bringing together a series of first class services for foreign trade and at the same time, provide security to the mobility of cargo between Mexico and the United States, Nuevo Leon has proposed the creation of a Border Logistics Corridor with Texas.
The Secretary of Regional Development and Agriculture of Nuevo Leon to the US State Department, Marco Gonzalez said that the corridor would be the most economically important and the fastest and safest in North America, with 24-hour mobility.
"We are talking about linking Monterrey and Nuevo León with the so-called golden triangle of the Texas economy, made up of the cities of San Antonio, Austin, Houston and Dallas, which alone account for 70 per cent of the Texas economy, a state that is also the tenth largest economy in the world," he said.
Gonzalez participated in the Plenary Meeting of the US-Mexico Binational Group on International Bridges and Crossings, held in Washington, D.C.
"The governments of Nuevo León and Texas are working together to extend the powerful economic activity of the San Antonio-Austin-Dallas-Houston corridor to Nuevo León. The idea is to link these Texan cities with Monterrey and Nuevo León, Mexico's economic engine, through our common border, the border formed by Colombia, Nuevo León and Laredo, Texas," said González.
The also Honorary Director General of the Corporation for the Development of the Nuevo Leon Border Zone (CODEFRONT), said that this corridor is being shaped with the current promotion and modernization of Puerto Colombia, also highlighting the importance of improving the road infrastructure.
González underlined that the Cross-Border Corridor will also be strengthened with the projects to create an airport and Multimodal Railway Station in Puerto Colombia. "In addition, we should not rule out in the short term the materialization of the San Antonio - Laredo - Monterrey passenger train plan," he added.
The event was attended by Carolyn Myers, Director of Texas Transportation, who is a very important part of this project; Karen Choe-Fichte, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, and Hillary Quam, Border Affairs Coordinator of the Bureau of Mexican Affairs, among others.
On the Mexican side were Pablo Gálvez, Director for Border Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and Major General D.E.M. Salvador Fernando Cervantes Loza, of the Secretary of National Defense.