Nogales Industrial Park approves investment for improvement in 2025

SONORA - The Technical Committee of the Fideicomiso Operador del Parque Industrial de Nogales (Fopin) approved the rehabilitation of an industrial building and the construction of a convention center within this complex in Sonora.
This announcement was made during the ordinary session of December 18, in the presence of Fopin's director, Carlos Huerta Rivera.
In this regard, the businessman remarked that these projects, once concluded and in operation, will generate important financial resources from rents.
“This translates into money for public works that will benefit both the park and the people of Nogales,” the executive explained.
It is worth mentioning that the session was also attended by the secretary of the City Council, Hipólito Sedano Ruiz, the mayor's trustee, Edna Elinora Soto, as well as aldermen and representatives of civil organizations.
According to Huerta Rivera, another advantage that the Nogales Industrial Park will receive will be the new regulatory exchange rate for public agencies.
“The rents are in the North American currency, so the projection was changed from US$3.8 million to US$4.2 million, due to this increase, which has already been unanimously approved,” he indicated.
Finally, he affirmed that during 2025 70% of the resources will be invested exclusively for works and requirements of the industrial complex, which is expected to increase the value of the site.