North and center-west of the country grows in electric vehicle auto parts production

MEXICO - Suppliers of auto parts for electric vehicles are growing at a dizzying rate in the north and center-west of the country.
"For this year, it is estimated that auto parts production will reach almost US$130 billion, an increase of more than 12% over the previous year," said Francisco González Díaz, executive president of the National Auto Parts Industry (INA).
He added that investments are being made by those who are already suppliers of Tesla, Ford or General Motors. This part is growing at an excessive rate, they are doubling or tripling the plant.
"With those we have contact with, the plant is growing between 14 and 30% for the following years, we are seeing it in the north and in the center-west," he said during the panel 'Myths and Realities of Electromobility in Mexico' during the International Mobility Summit of the Future 2024.
He added that highly specialized auto parts are being manufactured in Mexico and shipped all over the world, especially to the United States and Canada.
According to INA data, electrical parts in the production of auto parts represent 19.42% of the manufacturing of clutches, transmissions, seats and fabric.
"In Nuevo León we are close to 25% of auto parts. The state has made a lot of this layer that is auto parts, for example in Information Technology with very specialized software," Francisco Gonzalez stressed.
The state Secretary of Economy, Iván Rivas Rodríguez, who moderated this panel, highlighted that Nuevo León has worked to develop the value chain, with more than 80 Tier 1 and Tier 2 companies that produce for the electromobility sector.