Nuevo Leon, leader in manufacturing employment

MONTERREY – 2021 looks to be a good year for Mexico's manufacturing industry, driven by states such as Nuevo Leon, which ranks as the leading entity in formal employment in this sector and sub leader in wages.
"This allows the local industry to have better economic recovery expectations than the rest of the entities," said the Coparmex Nuevo Leon.
"The entity has the highest number of workers in the transformation industry in the country, with a total of 539,564. It is followed by the states of Mexico, Chihuahua, Jalisco, Baja California, Guanajuato and Coahuila," he said.
The institution said that in terms of wages, Nuevo Leon has the second highest daily salary of workers registered in the IMSS in the manufacturing industry, only surpassed by Queretaro.
Iván Rivas Rodríguez, director of Coparmex, celebrated the state's manufacturing sector, the availability of quality human capital and the competitive conditions offered by the entity, as factors that strengthen its industrial vocation.
He added that as long as the U.S. manufacturing industry continues to maintain positive results, Nuevo Leon's economy will be favored by the high weight of manufacturing in the state's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Source: El Horizonte