Nuevo Leon maintains positive trend in job recovery

Nuevo Leon maintains positive trend in job recovery

NUEVO LEON – For the 4th consecutive month, Nuevo Leon maintained a positive trend in employment recovery compared to September, by creating 20,232 net new jobs, which were driven by the industrial sector.

At the end of October, the IMSS pointed out that the State registered 1.6 million formal jobs, which represents the creation of 54,111 new jobs compared to the end of June, the last month in which it registered a contraction compared to the previous month.

During the most critical months of the pandemic, from March to June, the entity lost 85,725 jobs, so those created in July represent 63% of the jobs lost in the first four aforementioned months.

Of the more than 20,000 jobs generated in October versus September, 10,398 are in the industrial sector, 51.39% of the total.

The trade sector ranked the second highest number of jobs created, with 3,104, followed by transportation and communications, which generated 2,316 new jobs.

Jesús Garza, CEO of Soluciones Financieras GAMMA, said that although the recovery of employment is slow, Nuevo León has performed well compared to the rest of the country.

"Manufacturing exports are what explain this good dynamism due to the solid recovery of the U.S. industry, so everything comes from a more dynamic external sector supported by this country," he said

Source: El Financiero
