Nuevo Leon recovered lost companies in November

NUEVO LEON – During November, the number of Nuevo Leon' s companies registered at the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) rose to 69,980, that is, 16 more than the previous month, thus recovering the companies' losses in October.
IMSS figures indicated that in net terms, during November a total of 39 companies were closed in the entity, but 55 new ones were opened, so the balance in this item is positive.
Although the IMSS figures do not detail the closings and/or openings within each segment, only the net performance is published, the construction sector was the most affected in November, registering the closure of 25 companies, followed by the commerce sector, which closed eight companies; the electrical sector closed three businesses, the extraction industry two and in the agricultural sector one company was closed.
On the positive side, the industrial sector was the one that presented the best performance by achieving the opening of 23 new companies, in second place was the service sector for companies with 16 new companies, transport and communications with 11 and community services with five new companies.
Source: El Financiero