OMA certifies all its airports

MEXICO - Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte (OMA) received Level 1 certification from the Airport Carbon Accreditation Program (ACA) for its 13 airports, which is issued by the regional office of Airports Council International Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC).
It is worth mentioning that Grupo Aeroportuario del Centro Norte, OMA and Vinci recently entered into an alliance to reinforce their commitment to the environment through their "Air Pact'' strategy.
The Airport Carbon Accreditation Program is the only standard in the airport sector that manages carbon emissions with the aim of progressively reducing them, neutralizing them and achieving zero net emissions.
The actions and projects that OMA carries out at its 13 airports are linked to investments in sustainability stock markets, all with the aim of achieving the progressive decarbonization of the organization. Some of these actions are: photovoltaic solar energy generation, LED lighting in Terminal Buildings, runways and circulation areas, monitoring with automation to optimize the energy consumption of air conditioning and lighting equipment.
"We are committed to the environment and its preservation for future generations, which is why we are working to provide facilities that will encourage sustainable development,'' said Ricardo Dueñas, OMA's CEO.
The 13 certifications were presented by Rafael Echevarne, CEO of ACI-LAC, to Ricardo Dueñas, CEO of OMA.