On Mexico Issue 45

On Mexico Issue 45

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Octavio Marquez:

"Our way to fight lack of safety at the border is investing. This is how the company puts some dirt in the ground to improve things here. We have logistics advantages in Juarez for being so close to the United States. In addition the NAFTA (North America Free Trade Agreement) makes things easier and faster."
Octavio Marquez, President and CEO, HP Mexico

Arturo Avila Cisneros:

"We are very happy at the Cessna plants for the growth we have achieved, even with a recession that has affected us all and which has especially hit the production of executive jets. And as a scoop I would like to announce that we have shipped the first complete fuselage built in Chihuahua. Cessna Chihuahua keeps on growing and it is important to mention that thanks to this progress, manufactures made in Chihuahua are considered among the best in the world. Our products require unique quality and precision. Chihuahua is now the focus of attention of companies in the Aeronautics sector. This is because it is the first one to successfully produce prototypes with this new technology. In addition, workers learn fast and perform new processes with high quality."
Arturo Avila Cisneros, Manager, Textron Aerospace Cessna Chihuahua

Fernando Gonzalez:

"Mexico is a priority destination for the Basque Country, not only for its industrial capacity, but also for its human capital. Basque companies explored advantages and found that in prices, delivery and supplies, Mexico is the right place to establish."
Fernando Gonzalez, Head of NAFTA Area, Association for Basque County Promotion and Industrial Reconversion for (SPRI)

Manuel Lopez Cachero:

"We believe that work is done here in a very rigorous, a very serious way. We are aware of Nuevo Leon's significant contribution to Mexican Gross Domestic Product and we believe that after our experience in Mexico, this is a good time to come here."
Manuel Lopez Cachero, Chairman, Aenor, Spaniard Standardization and Certification Association

Renato Sandoval Franco:

"Joint efforts by the state government and the private sector to attract new companies to the state make Baja California one of the most attractive states for both domestic and foreign investment. Baja California competes against the world with its geographical location, its qualified labor and the support given by the state government."
Renato Sandoval Franco, State Minister of Labor and Social Welfare (STYPS)

Eugenio Godard:

"What Jalisco wants and what big corporations want is, at the end of the day, the same thing-- developing talent in Jalisco and, through employment, to generate solutions for organizations and people throughout the world. This is what IBM wants, this is what we want. We want to develop talent and through this we want to generate jobs and, by producing solutions guarantee that investment stays and grows. This means generating permanent employment with developing possibilities."
Eugenio Godard, Director, IBM Campus Guadalajara

Hugo Varela:

"Current environment has been very positive for Mexico due to high quality labor. Products manufactured here are in great demand in the American market due to their quality; this is what has led to the numbers we are discussing now. And it is basically due to the fact that GM is liquid again to continue producing automobiles and sell them in the U.S."
Hugo Varela, State Leader of CTM Workers Union

Bruno Ferrari:

"The Mexican Government is firmly decided to make Mexico the best place for investment and that is why we receive with open arms companies such as Nilfisk, whose presence in Queretaro will undoubtedly bring a better quality of life for people in the State and for all of Mexico."
Bruno Ferrari, General Director, ProMexico

Joergen Jensen:

"We are very excited to inaugurate our plant here in Queretaro, Mexico. Our new facilities will allow Nilfisk-Advance to expand operations in Mexico and Latin America, in addition to offering significant growth opportunities for our company in these developing markets."
Joergen Jensen, President and CEO, Nilfisk- Advance

Joseph ChamSrour:

"Factors that made the Mexican factory win were: An export logistics platform to the whole Continent; high acceptance among American consumers of products made in Mexico; the low cost and high quality of labor; as well as the rate of exchange of the Mexican Peso against currencies such as the U.S. Dollar and Brazilian Real."
Joseph ChamSrour, President, Chrysler de Mexico

Felipe Calderon Hinojosa:

"Mexico is a very good place to invest. It is a profitable place. It is a growing economy with a young population on average 27 years old. This is a population each time better prepared in engineering activities and very productionoriented. Mexico has a government committed to the future. It has a modern and competitive economy and is making unprecedented investments in infrastructure, education and health. Mexico is the most competitive economy in manufacturing costs."
Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, President of Mexico