Partners Industrial Park begins construction in Ramos Arizpe

RAMOS ARIZPE, COAH - The government of the state of Coahuila laid the first stone of the Industrial Park "Industrial Partners", in which US$8 million will be invested in a first phase and US$160 million for the complete project of 70 hectares.
It plans to house 20 industrial buildings for rent to attract new investments that will continue to come to Ramos Arizpe, mainly from automotive and electromobility-related companies.
Claudio Bres, State Secretary of Economy attended the event, which represents the 46th investment announcement so far this year for the northeastern state, and said that the first industrial warehouse will be occupied very soon since the demand for industrial space in the region is very high.
In his social networks, Governor Miguel Riquelme stated that this park comes to expand the offer of industrial accommodation spaces that we have in each of the regions.