Project presented to guarantee electricity supply in Juarez and Chihuahua

JUAREZ, CHIH - As part of the work being carried out in the state of Chihuahua to improve the energy supply, Governor María Eugenia Campos Galván announced that the expansion of the Terranova substation in Ciudad Juárez will be completed during the month of November.
In addition, the governor also highlighted the works for the installation of a transformer at the Chihuahua Norte substation.
During the inauguration of the Energy 2024 Forum-Expo held in Chihuahua City, Ms. Campos Galván informed that these actions are part of a collaboration initiative between the State Government, the Federal Electricity Commission and the National Energy Control Center (Cenace).
In the border city, up to 400 volt-amperes (MVA) of energy will be generated; for the capital, the supply will be increased from 100 to 400 MVA. Both projects provide better conditions for the arrival of more companies, since there will be more competitive advantages for attracting investment.
In addition, these actions will guarantee energy sufficiency for the next 6 and 3 years, respectively, in each town, for which the state governor thanked the collaboration of the Federation and the efforts of the State Energy Agency, two years after its foundation.
“Above all, we will guarantee access to electricity as a human right. Energy is the pillar of our shared future and from the conjunction of visions, we can generate progress and common good at the same time”, said Governor Campos.