Querétaro accumulates US$710 million in investments

QUERETARO - So far in 2024, 26 private investment projects totaling US$710 million have been finalized, which imply the incorporation of 7,459 jobs, according to records of the Ministry of Sustainable Development (Sedesu).
These are mainly investments in the automotive and electronics industries; to a greater extent, capital from the United States, Germany and Mexico, said the head of Sedesu, Marco Antonio Del Prete Tercero.
The municipality of Querétaro, located in the Metropolitan Zone, and Colón, located in the semi-desert, are the demarcations that have attracted most of these investments.
“It is a very encouraging figure, given that last year there were 52 (investments) in the total of the year, today we are halfway through the second quarter and we already have half of the projects,” he said.
The state agency has a portfolio of 59 investment projects: 45 are new investments and 14 are expansions; these are projects that are interested in settling in the state and, if completed, will represent a capital injection of US$8.5 billion, in addition to the creation of 27,000 jobs.