Queretaro aerospace companies seek to link with U.S. industry

QUERETARO – Queretaro's aerospace industry is seeking to generate links with the U.S. industry, as part of the participation of a delegation from Queretaro in the California-Mexico Aerospace Business Summit, which is being held in Los Angeles, United States.
According to the Secretary of Sustainable Development (Sedesu) of the state, the visit also aims to link local suppliers to this industry. Representatives of the Queretaro Aerocluster and Sedesu's Business Development area are participating in the tour.
As part of the activities, they visited the facilities of Hawker Pacific Aerospace, a company that manufactures and maintains the landing gear for Lufthansa airplanes.
SpaceX, a company that manufactures rockets and provides space transportation services, was also visited. Both companies showed interest in supplying the state's companies.
Within the framework of the aerospace summit, the delegation also met with representatives of the California Chamber of Commerce, as well as with different aeronautical clusters in the United States.
Source: El Economista