Queretaro Automotive Cluster and UPSRJ sign education agreement

QUERETARO – Christian Reyes Mendez, Rector of the Polytechnic University of Santa Rosa Jauregui (UPSRJ), and Daniel Hernandez, General Director of the Automotive Cluster of Queretaro, signed a partnership and collaboration agreement to improve the university's students and strengthen the state's automotive sector.
This agreement will promote academic, cultural, inclusion, sustainability, social service, internships, English courses, and scientific and technological research projects. It also contemplates the use of laboratory facilities, dissemination, participation in colloquiums, conferences, seminars, symposiums, courses, workshops and diploma courses.
It also includes participation in the competency certification offer (CONOCER), in the Situational Analysis of Work (AST), industrial visits and job vacancies.
With this action, the Cluster is committed to continue strengthening the valuable links that characterize the organization and promote a new communication ecosystem that strengthens the young people of Queretaro.
Source: Cluster Industrial