Querétaro expands test track for the automotive industry

QUERETARO – The Mexican Transport Institute (IMT) has the country's first public test track for the automotive industry, thanks to the modernization of the vehicle safety test track at the National Experimental Center for Technological Innovation (CeNIT).
The project involved the expansion of the surface, from 7 to 14 meters of track width, 1 kilometer of track, two bridges and the application of special coating techniques. The project required an investment of US$1.2 million.
"On this track it will be possible to test all the systems and variants that make modern cars the safest in automotive history, such as brakes, rollover protection, lights, among other things," explained the governor of Queretaro, Francisco Domínguez Servién.
The infrastructure provided by the test track accelerates the processes of the new mobility concept that the automotive industry is facing, based on electric, autonomous and shared vehicles, trends that are advancing rapidly at a global level.
Source: El Economista