QUERETARO, QRO – The state has a portfolio of 55 private investment intentions for US$4.683 billion, which, if materialized, would generate almost 35,000 jobs. The State Minister of Sustainable Development (Sedesu), Marco Antonio Del Prete Tercero, explained that this number of projects is an acceptable figure with respect to the rate of investment arriving in the state. Of the total number of projects, 35 (63.6%) correspond to new investments and 20 (36.4%) are expansions of companies already installed in the entity. "We have had news of future expansions of companies that are already established in the state and that are going to hire more personnel and offices," he explained. Particularly the expansions are focused on the automotive, aerospace, information technology and metal-mechanic industries, among others. The growth plans of the companies based in Queretaro respond to market demand, but also to the reinvestment possibilities that the companies identify in the state, he explained. "The expansions are related to how competitive Queretaro is, if they are betting on reinvesting, on expanding, it is because in Queretaro they have found conditions to satisfy their business and because the market is also demanding them,” he referred. To the projects contemplated in this portfolio of 55 investments, he added, will be added those that resulted from the tour he made in Europe, which will be announced soon. Currently, the agency reports that 12 projects have been completed in the state during 2022, which represent investments for US$318 million and 2,565 new jobs. The projects are in the automotive, information technology, electronics, research and development, household appliances, food and beverages, and other industries. The capital involved is of national origin, from the United States, Brazil, China, Canada and Germany. Source: El Economista