Queretaro International Airport (AIQ) cargo terminal maintains positive trend

QUERETARO – The Queretaro International Airport (AIQ) cargo terminal moved 58,130.9 tons from January to November, representing an annual growth of 46.6%, according to the Ministry of Communications and Transportation.
In the same period of 2020, cargo amounted to 39,655.6 tons, a fall of 15.9%.
The accumulated cargo in the 11 months of the year exceeds by 9.1% the total that the airport reported in its best year, in 2018, when it totaled 53,289.4 tons in the 12 months; the figure as of November of this year is also 18% higher compared to the same period of 2018 (49,265 tons).
Only in November 2021 the airport moved 6,089 tons; in said month it was placed as the fourth airport with the highest volume transported. The first places are held by the airports of Mexico City with 51,671 tons, Guadalajara with 16,638 and Monterrey with 6,778 tons.
In domestic cargo, AIQ mobilized 3,680 tons in November, an annual increase of 16.5%; in the accumulated January-November there were 37,672 tons, a growth of 42.4%, while international cargo reached 2,409 tons, an increase of 33.8%, and in the accumulated January-November this figure reached 20,459 tons, representing an annual increase of 55.1%.
With the accumulated 2021, the streak of annual decrease in 2019 and 2020 is broken; the projection is that AIQ will close the year with 64,000 tons mobilized.
Source: El Economista